513pc Puzzle: Jackson Lunch Counter

Jackson Lunch Counter 513pc Puzzle Ricardo Levins Morales

The original RLM illustration shown on this puzzle, “Lunch Counter,” is based on a famous photograph of a lunch counter sit-in in Jackson, Mississippi in 1963, in which both black and white students took part. Despite violent assaults by white mobs and the risk of prison time, the sit-in movement helped win key demands of the Black Freedom struggle.

The puzzle is 16×20″ and has 513 pieces. For serious puzzle aficionados, get one of our other puzzles at the same time to save on shipping.


Lunch Counter (Notecard)

Lunch Counter (Notecard)

On February 1, 1960, four African-American students sat at a white-only lunch counter inside a Greensboro, North Carolina Woolworth’s store. The tactic spread and, despite facing brutal assaults and prison time, it proved to be a key piece of the civil rights struggle.

Also available as a poster.

Lunch Counter

Lunch Counter, Civil Rights commemorative Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

On February 1, 1960, four African-American students sat at a white-only lunch counter inside a Greensboro, North Carolina Woolworth’s store. The tactic spread and, despite facing brutal assaults and prison time, it proved to be a key piece of the civil rights struggle.

Coffee Stories – Set of 12 Notecards

Coffee Stories set of 12 themed greeting cards about coffee culture and history, by Ricardo Levins Morales

This set of 12 greeting cards is rich blend of facts and stories about coffee’s history, people and culture. Blank inside, the cards can be used for any (or no particular) occasion. The back of each card includes a short exposition about the image on the front.

Union made and brewed. Envelopes are included in the pack.

Includes one each of these cards:
Coffee Ceremony (nc197)
Sack of Beans (nc199)
Seedlings (nc200)
Coffee Civet (nc203)
Fair Trade (nc204)
Washing the Harvest (nc205)
Kaldi’s Goats (nc207)
Coffee Returns to Haiti (nc209)
Cafetal (nc217)
Café (nc219)
Coffee in Yemen (nc223)
Lunch Counter (nc225)

Each of these illustrations are also available as posters, browse here.

2024 Liberation Calendar Extra Content

2024 RLM Liberation Calendar
Extra Content

2024 Ricardo Levins Morales Liberation Calendar cover
Purchase the 2024 Calendar here!

Looking for art & info from the 2023 Calendar? Find it here.

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The featured artwork is from the book “Rimonim: Ritual Poetry for Jewish Liberation” by Aurora Levins Morales. Aurora is Ricardo’s sister, and her website can be found here.

Fair Trade Goods Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales
Spot graphic from “Let All Trade Be Fair Trade” – Poster/card available here
The background image “Tlatelolco” honors the Tlatelolco massacre committed by the Mexican state against people protesting the 1968 Mexico City summer Olympics.

Both these images give context to the January 1, 1994 beginning of the Zapatista Rebellion, after the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took effect. This year is the 30th anniversary.

More information about historical dates in January:

The Christmas Rebellion

Statue of Juan de Oñate is Defaced

The Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union

The Bread and Roses Textile Strike

CeCe McDonald released from prison, 2014

Chicago March of the Unemployed

Tortuguita/Stop Cop City

Filipino and Japanese Sugar Cane Workers Strike

After Hurricane San Ciriaco in 1899 destroyed Puerto Rico’s coffee plantings, thousands of workers were recruited to cut sugar cane in Hawai’i. This gave birth to Hawai’i’s Puerto Rican community. Poster/card: San Ciriaco

San Ciriaco - Puerto Rico Hurricane Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales


Featured Art: “Ancestors.” Poster/card available here.Ancestors - Artwork by Ricardo Levins Morales

More information about Historical Dates in February-

Greensboro Sit-ins

“Lunch Counter” – Available as a poster, card or jigsaw puzzle. This image depicts a Jackson, Mississippi sit-in.

New York City School boycotts

History of Black History Month

Japanese-Mexican Labor Association

Boldt Decision

Captain Cook and Hawai’i

Iraq War Protest Anniversary

Kelli Peterson and the GSA

West Virginia Teacher Strike

No Border Wall Drag Protest

Wounded Knee Occupation



Featured Art: Miriam Makeba. Poster/card available here.

More information about historical dates in March –

Puerto Rican nationalist attack on Congress  (1954 – 70th Anniversary)

Chicano Blowouts

“Stop Cop City” direct action destroys construction site

Needletrades strike and International Women’s Day

Alberta Schneck

The Capitol Crawl

New York Conspiracy

March for our Lives

Memphis Sanitation Worker Strike

RLM’s poster/card commemorating the sanitation worker strike in Memphis


World War II Internment Camp survivors show solidarity with 2019 family detainees



Featured art: Be a Wetland. Poster/card/button available here.

p1029 Be A Wetland
p1029 Be A Wetland

More information about historical dates in April

Amazon Unionization

Nurses protest lack of equipment as COVID pandemic grows

The Rainbow Coalition

Chairman Fred Hampton/Rainbow Coalition poster/card

“Had the Panthers followed today’s practices and looked just at the surface evidence, they’d have written the Patriots off as hopeless racists. Instead they asked why these folks were hurting: was their racism based on vested interest or had they been fooled into it. They concluded that in the big picture they all had more to gain as allies than enemies.” – From Ricardo’s 2010 blog post, Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee: a political ecology of change

Disability Rights Sit-in

Tennessee lawmakers expelled, reinstated after protesting gun violence

Freedom House Ambulance Services

Earth Day

Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance

Los Angeles 1992 Rebellion


Featured art: Heroines of Labor. Poster/card available here
Background art: “Self-Made Woman” – poster/card available here
Spot graphics from “Solidarity Across Oceans” (poster)  and “ORCA-nize!” (button)

An illustration of a woman carving herself out a mountain. Titled "Self Made Woman" by Ricardo Levins Morales.

Make Waves Orca Button b795
Make Waves Orca Button

Solidarity Across Oceans - Union Strike Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

More information about historical dates in May-

Struggle for the Eight hour workday and International Workers’ Day

Poster/card “Eight Hours.” How would you fill in the top and bottom text to reflect the world you’d like to see?

May 1, 2006 Immigrant Rights Protests

Writers Guild of America Strike

“Orca Uprising”

Malcolm X delivers his “Who Taught You to Hate Yourself?” speech

“Jane’s Revenge”

Jackson State Shootings

Minneapolis Teamster Strike – 1934 (90th Anniversary)

Ida B Wells

Ida B. Wells Poster 

George Floyd Uprising

Third Precinct Burning

“We Feel You – From the Ancestors”: Ricardo made this poster in the wake of the uprising. Available as a poster/card.

League of the Physically Handicapped


Featured artwork: Water Music. Poster/card available here
Background art: “Naturally Powerful” – card available here

Naturally Powerful greeting card RLM Arts
Naturally Powerful greeting card

More information about historical dates in June-

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters wins recognition

Harriet Tubman and the Combahee River Raid

Harriet Tubman Poster

Angela Davis’s Acquittal

Angela Davis Poster/Card

Raid on Tierra Amarilla Courthouse

Sitka Fort Capture

Juneteenth Ports Shutdown

Vincent Chin murder and Asian-American civil rights activism

The Battle of Little Bighorn

Founding of the IWW

Stonewall Rebellion

“Families Belong Together” demonstrations


Featured artwork: Study History. Poster/card available here

Background art commemorates the 1934 Minneapolis trucker strike, which began in May and came to a head in July.

Spot graphic from: “Union Busters = Community Wreckers” poster

Union Busters - Community Wreckers - Labor Movement Union Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

More information about historical dates in July-

Paterson textile strike

Child Labor USA - poster by Ricardo Levins Morales Art Studio
Poster “Child Labor USA”

The Bicentennial Without Colonies

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

Black Hills decision (See also February for information about the 1980 Black Hills Survival Gathering)

The Society for Human Rights

American Indian Movement founded

1619 Polish Voting Rights Strike in Virginia


Featured Artwork: A Change Is Gonna Come – poster/card available herep979 A Change Is Gonna Come webBackground art from “World Music” – poster available here

World Music - Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

The spot graphic, “Soy Minneapolis,” was created several years ago by Ricardo for the Minneapolis campaign for Driver’s Licenses for All. The campaign was victorious at the statewide level last year, allowing undocumented Minnesotans to drive legally without fear.

More information about historical dates in August –

Black Sex Worker Liberation Protest

Puerto Rican governor resigns after people’s rebellion

UPS Teamsters Strike 1997

Crowd takes over Montreal Pride without cops or corporations

Freedom School Convention

Murder of Michael Brown and Ferguson Uprising (2014)

World War II Internment Reparations

Nat Turner’s Revolt

Battle of Blair Mountain

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Drag Show Defense

Gabriel Prosser and Jack Ditcher’s Revolt



Background art from “Green Jobs” – poster available hereGreen Economy, Green Jobs, Green Future - Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales
Spot graphic: “Defend Public Education” – poster/card/button available

More information about historical dates in September-

1946 Sugar Workers Strike

Peekskill white supremacist riots 

Seizure of the La Boquilla Dam

Lesbian Avengers protest attempts to eliminate inclusive curriculum

Also on September 9: Attica Rebellion anniversary

Mexican Normalistas attack military base in support of 43 murdered Ayotzinapa students

1982 Environmental Racism Blockade

Beginning of Occupy Wall Street

Air Traffic Controller solidarity march

67-member Kootenai Tribe declares war on the US

Dzil Nchaa Si An/Mount Graham observatory protest

El Grito de Lares

Poster featuring Ramon Emeterio Betances, leader of the 1868 rebellion against Spain. The “PROMESA” bill in his right hand connects El Grito de Lares to present day anticolonial struggle.

US colonialism, following in the footsteps of Spanish colonialism, genocide and slavery, has been a violent and criminal interruption of the inherent freedom of Puerto Rico and its people, and an assault on everything that sustains our lives and our land.  It has caused us tremendous suffering and the loss of many lives.  It has cost us great harm to our collective health and wellbeing, the theft of our natural wealth, our work, our agriculture, and the poisoning of our culture and our ecosystem.

In the face of everything that has happened, our natural sovereignty continues to push back, for, like all living organisms, it is part of our nature to resist all harm and reject every form of violation. – excerpt from DeCLARAcion, a liberation document by Aurora Levins Morales and Ricardo Levins Morales in 2017 (English/Español)

Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries Sit-In

“No One Is Disposable” Poster

Silent Spring released


Rachel Carson poster available

Rachel Carson - Silent Spring Environmentalist Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales


Background art from “Workers’ Bill of Rights” – poster available here

Workers Bill of Rights Poster

Spot graphic is a “leaf” from “Century of Struggle,” depicting the historic AIDS Quilt as displayed on the Washington Mall starting in 1987.

Related poster: “How to Heal a Continent of HIV/AIDS
How to Heal a Continent - Africa HIV/AIDS Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

More information about historical dates in October –

The Daughters of Bilitis

Striketober 2021

Mauna Kea Thirty Meter Telescope protests

Act UP FDA protest


Black Panther Party is Founded

John Brown’s insurrection against slavery

The I hotel protests and evictions

Women’s international Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (W.I.T.C.H.)


The spot graphic for November is the t-shirt Ricardo and Northland Poster Collective made ahead of the “Battle in Seattle” in 1999. Ricardo drove there with boxes of shirts in a pickup truck and witnessed the historic direct actions that shut down the World Trade Organization’s meeting.

More information about historical dates in November-

Assata Shakur escapes prison

“Friend of Assata” Poster/Card

Friend of Assata - Assata Shakur Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and the FDA

Strike wins Ethnic Studies Department in San Francisco

The liberation of “The Creole”

The prevention of the Orme Dam

San Miguel de Gualdape Rebellion of 1526

The Poston internment camp strike

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)

Button: Trans People Won’t Be Erased!

Uprising of the 20,000 – Garment Workers’ Strike

Poster “Uprising of the 20,000”

Original Artwork by Ricardo Levins MoralesIndian Farmworker Strike

Arizona Border Wall section blocked

The “Battle of Seattle” WTO protests – 25th Anniversary



Background art from “Reconstruction” – poster available here

Related poster: The Gulf Solidarity Pledge

More information about historical dates in December –

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Fred Hampton assassinated

Poster: Fred Hampton

Fred Hampton, Black Panther Party Historical Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

Antifascists Sabotage Neo-Nazis’ vehicles in DC

Starbucks Unionization

Button: I like My Coffee Union Brewed!

b791 union brewed coffee

Jackson Boycotts

Radio Free Alcatraz

Battle of Lake Okeechobee

The 1975 Minneapolis trans anti-discrimination ordinance

The United Auto Workers win recognition

Skip to month: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

2023 Liberation Calendar Extra Content

2024 Ricardo Levins Morales Liberation Calendar cover

Looking for our 2024 Calendar? Get it here!

2024 Ricardo Levins Morales Liberation Calendar


Extra Content for 2024 Here

Want a special flat rate shipping box for 25 Calendars? Click the red button!

Click here to purchase the 2023 Liberation Calendar


Skip to month for 2023 Extra Content: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


Artwork available for purchase: “Planet Parenthood,” “Say Gay,” “Stop Thinking About Sex!”

planet parenthood posterSay GayStop Thinking About Sex - Funny Sexuality Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

More information about historical dates in January-

The Six Companies

The Christmas Rebellion

The Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union

The Bread and Roses Textile Strike

One Inc. v. Olesen, the first Supreme Court decision to deal with gay rights

Los Angeles Teacher Strike

Lucy Parsons

The Lumbee and the KKK

Jaunary 21, 2017 Women’s March

January 22, 1973: Roe vs. Wade
In Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court rules that the Constitution protects the right to an abortion without excessive government restriction. 

After the rollback of Roe v. Wade in 2022…

“Muslim Ban” Protests

Bde Maka Ska name restoration


Artwork available for purchase: “The Earth Is Not For Sale“, “We Are The Mainstream

We Are The Mainstream - June Jordan Racial Justice Poster by Ricardo Levins MoralesIt's Not For Sale - Land, Environment, Native America, Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

More info on the Black Hills Survival Gathering, as reported in Science For The People in 1980.

John Trudell on Liberation – Black Hills (Paha Sapa) Survival Gathering on Youtube

More information about Historical Dates in February-

Greensboro Sit-ins

“Lunch Counter” poster, card or jigsaw puzzle

New York City School boycotts

History of Black History Month

Wet’suwet’en Resistance

Japanese-Mexican Labor Association

Captain Cook and Hawai’i

Iraq War Protest Anniversary

Kelli Peterson and the GSA

West Virginia Teacher Strike

No Border Wall Drag Protest

Wounded Knee Occupation


Artwork available for purchase: “Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie - Palestinian Human Rights Remembrance Poster by Ricardo Levins Morales

Minneapolis Federation of Teachers and Saint Paul Federation of Educators used some re-worked RLM artwork to promote a joint protest, which turned out thousands in the bitter cold a few weeks before MFT went on a historic strike in March 2022.

More information about historical dates in March –

Claudette Colvin

Chicano Blowouts

Needletrades strike and International Women’s Day

The New Deal (see also June artt)

Alberta Schneck

The Capitol Crawl

Rachel Corrie

New York Conspiracy

March for our Lives

ICE Stewart Detention Center Hunger Strike

Memphis Sanitation Worker Strike

RLM’s poster/card “Memphis”


Art available for Purchase: “No Mas Fossil Fuels!”

RLM’s 2022 Video, “A Circle By The River” discusses visioning for a fossil free future:

The background image for April’s calendar page comes from Ricardo’s poster, “Better Active Today Than Radioactive Tomorrow,” produced for Northern Sun Alliance in the mid 1970s.

More information about historical dates in April-

Amazon Unionization

The Rainbow Coalition

Chairman Fred Hampton/Rainbow Coalition poster/card

“Had the Panthers followed today’s practices and looked just at the surface evidence, they’d have written the Patriots off as hopeless racists. Instead they asked why these folks were hurting: was their racism based on vested interest or had they been fooled into it. They concluded that in the big picture they all had more to gain as allies than enemies.” – From Ricardo’s 2010 blog post, Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee: a political ecology of change

The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King

Disability Rights Sit-in

California Essential Workers Wildcat Strike

Freedom House Ambulance Services

Earth Day

Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance

Los Angeles 1992 Rebellion


The May calendar art was all originally commissioned and is not available for purchase – but you might recognize the background from the poster “Begin With Research.”

More information about historical dates in May-

Eight hour workday and International Workers’ Day

Poster/card “Eight Hours.” How would you fill in the top and bottom text to reflect the world you’d like to see?

New Orleans Sanitation Workers Strike-

Jack Spratt Sit-in

Poor People’s March on Washington

Jackson State Shootings

Minneapolis Teamster Strike

Ida B Wells

Ida B. Wells Poster 

George Floyd Uprising

Third Precinct Burning

“We Feel You – From the Ancestors”: Ricardo made this poster in the wake of the uprising. Available as a poster/card.

League of the Physically Handicapped


Artwork available for purchase: “New Deal Anniversary

More information about historical dates in June-

Harriet Tubman and the Combahee River Raid

Harriet Tubman Poster

Angela Davis’s Acquittal

Angela Davis Poster/Card

Raid on Tierra Amarilla Courthouse

Columbus Statue Toppling

No More Deaths case

Sitka Fort Capture

Juneteenth Ports Shutdown

ADAPT die-in

Vincent Chin

The Battle of Little Bighorn

Stonewall Rebellion


Art available for purchase: “Serán las dueñas de la tierra

Review of the film “Serán las dueñas de la tierra” by Néstor David Pastor at NACLA:

When you consider Puerto Rico’s fertile land and tropical climate, it’s tempting to assume that conditions are ideal for farming—they’re not. This unfortunate reality becomes increasingly apparent in the new documentary, Serán las dueñas de la tierra (English title: Stewards of the Land), which follows the struggles of three young farmers. The film also marks the debut for director Juan Manuel Pagán Teitelbaum, who produced the feature-length documentary alongside his partner, Mariolga Reyes Cruz.

More information about historical dates in July-

The Bicentennial Without Colonies

We Will Ride movement

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

Black Hills decision (See also February for information about the 1980 Black Hills Survival Gathering)

The Society for Human Rights

Prime Day Amazon Protests

Strike for Black Lives-

Jaleel Stallings

The Bonus Army


Artwork available for purchase: “The Throne Within

More information about historical dates in August –

The Black Sex Worker Liberation Protest

UPS Teamsters Strike

Community Gardens in Detroit

“Defend Detroit” – Poster/Notecard by RLM

Freedom School Convention

World War II Internment Reparations

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

CIA driven coup in Iran

Nat Turner’s Revolt

Battle of Blair Mountain

March on Washington

Gabriel Prosser and Jack Ditcher’s Revolt


Artwork available for purchase: “My Hands/Mis Manos“,  “Violetta Parra

“One of my greatest inspirations has been the Latin American New Song movement, especially its Chilean pioneers. They transformed themselves from performers of and for the student left into the creators of an authentic voice for their people’s aspirations. Moving easily between songs of love and songs of land reform, between nonsense verse and traditional lament, they dissolved rather than accepted the barriers that divide politics from the rest of life.

What these musicians accomplished was to master the “dream language” of their people as expressed in ancient and contemporary musical traditions. They then used it to voice the secret hopes and feelings that were not finding expression in the commercial culture monopoly, dominated by imported, “Western,” music.”

–Ricardo’s 1990 essay, “The Importance of Being Artist” 

More information about historical dates in September-

Tulsa Massacre

Peekskill white supremacist riots 

Seizure of the La Boquilla Dam

Attica Rebellion anniversary

Fascist/US-backed Chilean Coup

Chile 11 Septiembre Poster

Naomi Osaka wins the US Open

National Farmworkers Association Strike

Air Traffic Controller solidarity walkout

Hurricane Maria and mutual aid

Love for Puerto Rico button

Huracanes y San Ciriaco – posters commemorating people’s resilience in the face of previous hurricanes to hit Puerto Rico

Dzil Nchaa Si An/Mount Graham observatory protest

El Grito de Lares

Poster featuring Ramon Emeterio Betances, leader of the 1868 rebellion against Spain. The “PROMESA” bill in his right hand connects El Grito de Lares to present day anticolonial struggle.

US colonialism, following in the footsteps of Spanish colonialism, genocide and slavery, has been a violent and criminal interruption of the inherent freedom of Puerto Rico and its people, and an assault on everything that sustains our lives and our land.  It has caused us tremendous suffering and the loss of many lives.  It has cost us great harm to our collective health and wellbeing, the theft of our natural wealth, our work, our agriculture, and the poisoning of our culture and our ecosystem.

In the face of everything that has happened, our natural sovereignty continues to push back, for, like all living organisms, it is part of our nature to resist all harm and reject every form of violation. – excerpt from DeCLARAcion, a liberation document by Aurora Levins Morales and Ricardo Levins Morales in 2017 (English/Español)

Youth protest the climate the crisis

The Philadelphia housing protest


The plate and halftone images in October come from event posters designed by Ricardo for the “Guerrilla Wordfare” series in Minneapolis.  The clock spot graphic was adapted from the classic “Time to Organize!” IWW image, for the zine version of Ricardo’s 2022 essay “What time is it on the clock of the police abolition movement?

More information about historical dates in October –

The Daughters of Bilitis

Striketober 2021

Mauna Kea Thirty Meter Telescope protests

Act UP FDA protest


The 1968 Mexico City Olympics protests

The I hotel protests and evictions

Youth lawsuit over climate change


Artwork available for purchase: “Ella Baker – Understanding“, “Study History

Who Was Ella Baker?

More information about historical dates in November-

Minneapolis Public Safety Initiative-

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and the FDA

The Historic 2018 elections

The liberation of “The Creole”

The prevention of the Orme Dam

Line 3 protest

The Poston internment camp strike

Walmart Black Friday Demonstrations

Poster/Card “WalMart Scream”

Indian Farmworker Strike

The “Battle of Seattle” WTO protests


Artwork available for purchase: “Cardinals,” “Happy Solidarity Holiday

More information about historical dates in December –

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Starbucks Unionization

Jackson Boycotts

London ads preventing deportation

The 1975 Minneapolis trans anti-discrimination ordinance

DRUM and the Muslim Registry

Battle of Lake Okeechobee

The Skylab Job Action

The United Auto Workers win recognition

Skip to month: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

513pc Puzzle: Another World is Possible

Another World Is Possible Puzzle. The box will look different though!

“Another World Is Possible” depicts a vision of change, with art based on the nineteenth century Flammarian engraving. One side of the image shows strip mining, deforestation and police/military repression. The other depicts a healthy ecosystem, sustainable energy, and cooperation. With lots of unique features and hidden elements to discover, it makes for the perfect puzzle. Another World is Puzz-lable!

The puzzle is 16×20″ and has 513 pieces. For serious puzzle aficionados – get our other puzzles, “Cycle of Cooperation” and/or “Jackson Lunch Counter” at the same time to save on shipping.


January 20, 2020

February 2020 Free Downloadable Calendar

Here is your free, printable monthly calendar for February 2020. This month features “Lunch Counter” (available as a card and poster). The monthly calendar is a simplified, complementary version of the Ricardo Levins Morales Liberation Calendar (2020 now available for purchase!) – featuring historical dates and a mix of new and old artwork, printable for use in your office, school, or you-name-it.

Click below to download the PDF. The calendar is formatted to print on 11×17 or A3 paper.


Black History 6-Poster Pack

Black History poster pack featuring a spread of 6 posters of Black resistance and liberation

This collection of 6 posters highlights African American activists, icons and movements.  The posters illustrate struggles both well known and lesser known.  The whole set is great for schools and classrooms celebrating black history month, or to showcase inspirational African Americans any time of the year.

Consists of the following six posters:
Angela Davis
Bayard Rustin
Memphis 1968
Lunch Counter
A Friend of Assata
Trayvon Martin/Ella Baker
Plus a caption sheet printed on cardstock which helps explain and contextualize the artwork for viewers.

Get all six posters in the series, together for the price of five. $59.95