Selected Awards

2024 McKnight Foundation Distinguished Artist of the Year

Given to one artist each year who has made significant lifelong contributions to Minnesota, enriching our communities and who has made an enduring commitment to creating art that is locally, regionally, and/or nationally significant.

the loft award

2006 – Equilibrium Tribute, Loft Literary Center, Minneapolis
Honors artists who have “blazed trails and helped build community in the arts”


labor arts award

Labor Arts Award, Western Workers’ Labor Heritage Festival

la prensa

2004 Outstanding Artist of the Year, La Prensa de Minnesota

joe hill award

2009 – Joe Hill Award, Labor Heritage Foundation
Honors the successful integration of arts and culture in the labor movement


county of LA

Los Angeles County Recognition

cartoon award

2008 NYSUT Journalism Competition Award of Merit

calendar silver award

2009 – National Calendar Award (Silver), Calendar Marketing Association

calendar gold award

2008 – National Calendar Award (Gold), Calendar Marketing Association

national org all

National Organizers Alliance

labor communications

2007 – Special Performance Award, International Labor Communications Association
Honors achievement in the field of labor media


art is a hammer award

2010 – Art is a Hammer Award, Center for the Study of Political Graphics

2007 visual arts

2007 – Popular Education Award for Contributions in Visual Arts, Popular Education Fund