July 2, 2024

July 2024 Free Printable Calendar Download

Here is your free, printable monthly calendar for July 2024. This month’s artwork features a  watercolored cover version of “Cycle of Cooperation” from our new Home Planet Coloring Booklet, which you can order here or find at our Minneapolis shop.

The monthly calendar is a simplified, complementary version of the Ricardo Levins Morales Liberation Calendar, featuring historical dates and a mix of new and old artwork, printable for use in your office, school, or you-name-it. It’s a great teaching tool, whether for in-person or distance learning. Our 2024 edition of the Liberation Calendar is still available (at a final discounted price) and if you like the free calendar page, we think you’ll love the Liberation Calendar. Meanwhile, we’re hard at work on the 2025 edition, coming soon!

Click here or below to download the PDF.